Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Space available this Sat. June 28th

When Kristi unveiled to us, this past February, her fused fabric & paper booklace we knew immediately that we had to get her on the calendar to come teach in Saluda. Finally the time has arrived. This Sat. June 28th Kristi will be in Saluda for a full day workshop and she promises... that we can complete this in one day.
This is how she describes her one of a kind "booklace"

Take some of your favorite fabrics, add bits of old papers, mix them together in a fanciful collage, top off with your own hand embellishments, bind all into a beautiful book, wire on a wonderful chain and you have a captivating booklace!

Learn how to use new fusible products to create your booklace base. Tips for striking collage combinations and thorough adhesive information are demonstrated. Hand embroidery stitches are explained as well as ideas for adding yummy embellishment details. Play with tinting techniques for colorful book pages, then learn how to bind them easily together. Simple wiring methods are explained for adding your favorite charms and beads to the metal booklace chain.

You will be proudly wearing your dear creation home with ideas dancing in your head for the more enchanted booklaces.

Call or email to register for Saturday's class.
The cost: $95
The time: 10-4
Includes: pastries and coffee at 9am
a full day instruction with Kristi
a catered lunch
a supply kit
a guaranteed full day of fun and creativity!

Can you feel the magic?

1 comment:

  1. I wish that I could get up the hill for that one! She has got to be the sweetest woman that I have ever met!
