Friday, January 04, 2008


My first love in my life, that started at a very young age was oil painting and I continued on for many many years until I found out about rubber stamping, altered art, collage and assemblage.
So, recently over the holidays I painted a piece of my daughter and her boyfriend Erik. They live in Bozeman, Montana where it is a lot colder than it is here in North Carolina. They have only seen these pictures of their Christmas present but will soon see the "real thing" once it is sent out to them. The top photo of the painting is one that I took while it was sitting in the back of my Matrix, ready to be delivered to them in Ohio for the holidays.
The other photo is one that I took of my work
hanging on one of the walls in my house. Since I wasn't able
to make the trip to Ohio for Christmas I sent these pictures to her
so she could see her present... via the world wide web.

I first did a painting like this about 10 years ago after attending
the Teesha Moore Art Asylum in Snoqualmie, Washington. Paul and I spent a weekend there learning all sorts of new techniques taught by Tracy and Teesha. It was an awesome weekend for both of us and one of the things that I learned was do this type of painting. I did a painting of myself at that time and a few years later did one of my daughter, her husband and their first son, Andrew.
I only use one color paint to achieve this affect, burnt umber by Golden. I suppose other paints would work but I prefer Golden, especially since Patti Brady, the Golden Art expert, was here to teach this past year. We are very excited to have a verbal agreement with her for another appearance here in 2008. You won't want to miss her next workshop and you won't want to miss her new book that showcases her techniques using Golden Paints. Due out in Fall '08/

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