Thursday, November 13, 2008

The BIG Reveal ! ! ! Day 8

More pages today . . . And as we show off 5 entries each day,
(sometimes more, sometimes less)
we prepare our
"pillar of pages" to display your work in our shop.
Gina Smith - (page 1) Leesburg, IN

Five, 5, FIVE, count them 1,2,3,4, 5.
That's one less than 6 and 3 more than 2.

Gina Smith - (page 2) Leesburg, IN

FIVE journal pages out of 75 and it all starts now!
Jane Powell - Random Arts - Saluda, NC

Jean Simpson - Naples, FL & Brevard, NC

It's 1 plus 4. . . or it's 4 plus 1 and it all equals 5

Jane Bradley - Drexel, NC

After that, all the pages will be bound and donated to the Saluda Senior Center Silent Auction on Sunday Dec. 7th. Tickets to the event are $40 per person.

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