Where did it come from?
How did I get this?
Who created this?
Could it be a sample of what's to come?
Could it be a sneak peek of something to come?
This is just a clue.
What do you think this is?
Random Arts is located in Saluda, in the mountains of western North Carolina. This is where you can peer into the behind the scenes planning, random thoughts and process here as our random adventures continue.
Imagine having a delectable kit
filled with helpful tools just waiting
to aide you in any creative emergency.
That's exactly the mission of this class!
Bumps, hurtles, and artist's blocks are part
of the creative process for us all.
Our goal is to create tools to gently nudge us through these challenging stages.
Our tool kit is an embellished cigar box, complete with paint brush handle. The first tool is an Owner's Manual – a small booklet fashioned from a metal label file folder. Here we note: everything necessary for authentic creativity is “All Inside!” A variety of dyes, daubers, gesso and paint techniques for textural backgrounds is demonstrated. A clear gesso transfer method is explained.
Next is a series of Permission Slip Bundles reminding us to play, to mess-up, and to experiment. Discover the possibilities of combining fabric with paper as you learn to use fusible web.
An altered match box houses Inspiration Seeds for times when ideas falter. And lastly we remind ourselves to Handle Gently the flowering of any new venture. Not only is our Tool Kit a visual treat, it is filled with helpful “power tools” for YOUR creativity!