Tuesday, April 17, 2007

brrrrrrrr, winnnnnnnndy brrrrrrrrrrrr This is so unlike all the Aprils' that we have experienced in the past 13 yrs here in western nc. It may as well be Chicago. Trees have blown over and closed streets all over town and half of Saluda is out of power. Fortunately for us, Random Arts is up and running as far as I know. Last night as we drove through a partially dark downtown, lights in our shop were dimly glowing. A good thing.
On May 19th this year Saluda will host it's annual Art Festival and we have over 70 artists that are participating this year. It will be an all day event free to the public so we invite each and every one of you to try and attend. This has a real success for us in the past and welcome you all back to experience the large number of musical venues as well. You can visit Saluda Lifestyles for details of our big party.
Prior to that on May 10th, we will host a Michael DeMeng artist show and sale at 7pm and everyone is invited to meet the artist and view his work. This will be held at our shop, so mark your calendar for that as well.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jane, Windy cold and ready for it to stop, this is the message I recieved frm the TREES they are anger and had enough.
    instead of Hey how are ya? it is, Got power
    Looking forward to all activities
    Best of all options, Enjoy
    Have a great day
